El carácter "与" tiene 3 trazos. "与" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "与" tiene 3 pronunciaciones, es un carácter polisilábico. Las pronunciaciones de "与" son "yǔ" "yù" "yú" . Ver el orden de trazos de "与">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "与"

v.: give; offer; grant; get along with; be on good terms with; take part in; participate in

prep.: with

conj.: and

Usar "与" para formar palabras

拆卸与安装 disassemble and assemble

劳方与资方 labour and capital

与名流交往 mix with celebrities

与心腹商议 consult (with) one's trusted follower(s)

与恶势力抗战 struggle with evil forces

战争与和平 war and peace

与父母失和 become estranged from one's parents

与某人结账 settle up with sb

同一与差异 identity and difference

与地位相称 be commensurate with one's status

与场合相称 be suitable to the occasion

与原则相违 conflict with the principle

与死神搏斗 fight with death

与某人合股 enter into partnership with sb

与闻其事 have a participant's knowledge of a matter; be in the know

与坏习惯斗争 combat one's bad habits

与群众相结合 integrate oneself with the masses

与坏人为伍 associate with bad elements

与朋友断交 sever ties with a friend

常数与变数 constants and variables

Usar "与" en frases de ejemplo

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