El carácter "于" tiene 3 trazos. "于" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "于" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "于" son "yú" . Ver el orden de trazos de "于">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "于"

n.: ancient musical instrument

prep.: in; at; on; from; by; than

: with regard to; concerning; to; towards

Usar "于" para formar palabras

沉潜于研究 be steeped in research

根植于生活 be rooted in life

就学于该校 study at this school

不久于人世 will die soon;be dying; be near death

落后于时尚 fall behind the vogue

幸免于空难 survive an air disaster

受宠于某人 find favour in sb's eyes

狃于陋习 rigidly adhere to corrupt customs

落后于对手 trail one's rival

显扬于天下 be known far and wide

自绝于人民 alienate oneself from the people

自外于社会 sever ties with society

曝露于荒野之中 be exposed in the wilderness

适用于一切情况 apply in all cases

卒于1999年 died in 1999

美名胜于财富 a good name is better than riches

卒底于成 finally achieve one's ends

出身于农民家庭 come from peasant stock

耽溺于寻欢作乐 yield oneself up to pleasure

埋头于文牍工作 be submerged by paperwork

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