El carácter "作" tiene 7 trazos. "作" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "作" tiene 2 pronunciaciones, es un carácter polisilábico. Las pronunciaciones de "作" son "zuò" "zuō" . Ver el orden de trazos de "作">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "作"

n.: workshop; writings; work

v.: make; manufacture; work; rise; grow; engage in an activity; regard as; take sb/sth for; write; compose; pretend; feign; affect

Usar "作" para formar palabras

打下作 act as an assistant

作总结 make a summary

作解释 go into an explanation

作进一步探索 make further explorations

作详细汇报 report in detail

作同样处理 treat in the same way

匆忙作判断 be hasty in one's judgements

作平行运算 make calculations in parallel

作总动员报告 give a general mobilization talk

作否定回答 answer in the negative

用石块作界线 demarcate by pieces of stone

用虫子作钓饵 use worms as bait

与愚昧作斗争 combat ignorance

作最后的润色 give the final polish to

作必要的更动 make necessary alterations

同赌博作斗争 combat gambling

与大自然作斗争 wage a struggle against nature

给古文作注释 annotate an ancient article

用名字作商标 name the brand after oneself

同不良现象作斗争 combat unhealthy phenomena

Usar "作" en frases de ejemplo

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