El carácter "出" tiene 5 trazos. "出" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "出" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "出" son "chū" . Ver el orden de trazos de "出">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "出"

v.: go/come out; appear; show; emerge; show up; be present; take out; offer; pay out; expend; spend; leave; be separated from; exceed; go beyond; put forth; produce; yield; turn out; arise; happen; take place; occur; publish; issue; put out; vent; have sth come out; rise well (with cooking); grow in volume; go outward; be in excess

Usar "出" para formar palabras

巡回展出 travelling exhibition;exhibition tour; roving exhibition

出偏题 set catchy questions

出主意 give advice

出油井 producing well

出麻疹 have measles

出痧子 have measles

出试题 set examination questions

出油量 oil pump capacity

泵出 pump out

出试卷 set a test paper

出高薪 offer a high salary

出产量 yield; output

出证明 issue a certificate

出夜勤 be on duty at night

出全勤 have recorded full attendance

出油孔 oil outlet

出娄子 get into trouble

出大力 make great efforts

出卷子 set a test paper

表现出热忱 exhibit enthusiasm

Usar "出" en frases de ejemplo

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