El carácter "吃" tiene 6 trazos. "吃" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "吃" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "吃" son "chī" . Ver el orden de trazos de "吃">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "吃"

v.: eat; take; have; drink; partake of; eat somewhere; have one's meals at; take in; absorb; soak/sponge up; wipe out; annihilate; destroy; exhaust; be a strain on; stand; bear; suffer; (of one object) penetrate another object; live on/off; fully understand; grasp the exact meaning (of); accept

prep.: by

Usar "吃" para formar palabras

吃吃的笑声 chuckle

吃盖浇饭 have a meat-veggie-rice combo

吃小炒 have individually-cooked dish(es)

吃补药 take one's tonic

吃现饭 eat leftovers

吃月饼 eat a moon cake

吃酒席 attend at a banquet

吃淡食 go on a salt-free diet

吃糖果 eat sweets

吃麦当劳 have a meal at McDonald's

吃犒劳 enjoy rewarded food and drink

不想吃 not feel like eating

吃喜酒 attend a wedding feast

吃素日 meatless day

吃便饭 have a simple meal

吃油腻 eat oily food

吃水分 soak up moisture

吃西餐 have Western food

吃寡酒 drink without eating

吃一碗面条 have a bowl of noodles

Usar "吃" en frases de ejemplo

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