Entrada manuscrita
El carácter "合" tiene 6 trazos. "合" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "合" tiene 2 pronunciaciones, es un carácter polisilábico. Las pronunciaciones de "合" son "hé" "gě" . Ver el orden de trazos de "合">>
El significado básico del carácter chino "合"
n.: ge; he
quant.: ge; round; bout
v.: close; shut; join; combine; come together; suit; agree; conform with; be equal to; add up to
adj.: whole; entire; proper; appropriate
adv.: jointly; together
- Ge : symbol(Ge)锗
- he : pron.他
- round : adj.圆形的;圆柱形的;近似圆形的;近似圆柱形的;球形的;近似球形的;用整数表示的;约整数表示的;率直的;直言不讳的;坦率的;耿直的
- bout : n.一段;一阵;一次;曲线;拳击比赛;发作;摔跤比赛
- close : adj.近的;接近的;靠近的;直系(尤指父母;兄弟姐妹)的;密切的;周全的;潮湿的;气闷的;接近;紧密的
- shut : v.关;关闭;关上;封闭;合上;安静;合拢;禁止通行;别说话;把…关在
- join : v.连接;接合;参加;参与;联合;参军;入伍;陪同;随同;与…汇合
- combine : v.结合;联合;合并;用联合收割机收割;兼有;化合;为共同目的而联合;同时参与
- come together : 会合, 相聚
- suit : n.一套衣服;所有花色相同的一组牌;请求;一副盔甲;一套篷帆;高级管理人员;追求;请愿
- agree : v.同意;赞同;与…一致
- conform with : 符合
- be equal to : 对等, 匹敌, 等于
- add up to : 总计
- whole : adj.全部的;全体的;所有的;完整的;完全的;整个的;未经分割的;完好无损的;整块的;健康的
- entire : adj.全部的;整个的;完全的;绝对的;未经阉割的;全缘的;边缘光滑的
- proper : adj.真正的;合适的;适当的;恰当的;专属于… 的;为…所特有的;原色的;漂亮的;好看的;真的;正常的
- appropriate : adj.适当的;合适的;恰当的;个人的;特殊的;属于某一个人所特有的;个性的
- jointly : adv.连带地;共同地
- together : adv.在一起;一块儿;共同;同时;一齐;不间断地;接连地;靠在一起;一致地;合作地
Usar "合" para formar palabras
合力矩 resultant moment
合大众的心意 strike the popular fancy
Usar "合" en frases de ejemplo
Whatever you do, you simply can’t do it to everyone’s satisfaction.
Only the wearer knows if the shoe fits his foot.
He was careful to mark his place before he shut the book.
Their fight ended in a draw after twenty-odd rounds.
What he said was quite logical.
You give in too much to the children. / You humour the children too much.
Tsp) the amount held by such a spoon, in the UK considered to be 5 millilitres when used as a measurement in cookery
[no obj.]the flat has two bedrooms — if it suits, you can have one of them.
说完后, 和尚合起眼继续打坐.
With that, the monk closed his eyes and continued his meditation.
The slotted button closure pocket flap corners are angled.