El carácter "向" tiene 6 trazos. "向" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "向" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "向" son "xiàng" . Ver el orden de trazos de "向">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "向"

v.: face; turn towards; approach; have an unfair preference/a bias (for); side with; take sb's part; be partial to

n.: direction; inclination; preference; tendency; past

prep.: to; towards; against

adv.: until now; always; all along

Usar "向" para formar palabras

向后撤 withdraw

向阳性 heliotropism

向外倾 lean outward

向获胜者致贺 congratulate the winners

向报界宣布 announce to the press

向某人征稿 solicit contributions from sb

向敌人开战 make war on the enemy

向学校请假 get leave from school

向成规挑战 challenge conventionality

向窗外探视 look out of the window

企稳向好 stabilize and improve

向内跑 run inward

向现代化进军 march towards modernization

向战胜国赔款 pay indemnity to the victors

向官员行贿 bribe an official

向某人问话 ask sb questions

向死神挑战 challenge death

向敌人挑衅 make provocation against the enemy

向群众公布 announce to the masses

向银行借贷 borrow from a bank

Usar "向" en frases de ejemplo

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