El carácter "因" tiene 6 trazos. "因" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "因" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "因" son "yīn" . Ver el orden de trazos de "因">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "因"

v.: depend/count on; carry on; continue; follow

prep.: in accordance with; in the light of; on the basis of; on account of; because of; as a result of

n.: cause; reason

conj.: because; for

Usar "因" para formar palabras

因谋杀罪受审 be on trial for murder

因行窃坐牢 be imprisoned for stealing

因赌博而被拘捕 be taken up for gambling

因负债而苦恼 be afflicted with debts

因羞愧而哭泣 weep out of shame

因超速被罚款 be fined for speeding

因感冒而病倒 be down with a cold

因勇敢受到表彰 be cited for bravery

因生病而缺席 be absent because of illness

因失败而苦恼 be vexed at one's failure

病 因所在 cause of the disease

因心灰意懒而放弃 feel disheartened and give up

从前因推断后果 deduce from cause to effect

因感染而发炎 be inflamed by an infection

因绝望而放弃 give up in despair

因犯错误而受斥责 be excoriated for one's mistakes

因杀人而被行刑 be executed for murder

因误会而动火儿 flare up over a misunderstanding

因失败而苦闷 be depressed at one's failure

因羞惭而脸红 flush with shame

Usar "因" en frases de ejemplo

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