El carácter "将" tiene 9 trazos. "将" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "将" tiene 3 pronunciaciones, es un carácter polisilábico. Las pronunciaciones de "将" son "jiāng" "jiàng" "qiāng" . Ver el orden de trazos de "将">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "将"

v.: support; take; bring; support and wait upon (one's parents, etc); take care of (one's health); fetch; check; incite/goad sb to action; challenge; prod; do sth; handle (a matter); command; lead; ask; wish

prep.: with; by means of; by

adv.: going to; about to; will; shall

n.: high-ranking officer; officer; general; backbone; King

Usar "将" para formar palabras

将近半年 almost half a year

将弁 low-ranking officer

将大楼付之一炬 consign a building to flames

将两数相加 add two figures together

将货币贬值 depreciate the currency

将燃料气化 gasify the fuel

将书籍编目 catalogue books

将谷物杂交 hybridize crops

唱将起来 start to sing

走将出来 walk out

将灵魂托付给上帝 commend one's soul to God

将资金调出市场 remove money from the market

将计划上报审批 submit the plan for approval

将信息反馈回来 feed back the information

将囚犯处以绞刑 hang a prisoner

将诗意译成散文 paraphrase poetry into prose

将手稿送交编辑 submit manuscripts to an editor

将财物洗劫一空 loot all the belongings

将贵重物品妥善保管 leave one's valuables in safekeeping

将羊毛梳理成毛线 card wool into thread

Usar "将" en frases de ejemplo

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