El carácter "开" tiene 4 trazos. "开" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "开" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "开" son "kāi" . Ver el orden de trazos de "开">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "开"

v.: open; turn on; switch on; be on; (of machines, vehicles, etc) drive; operate; (of vehicles) depart; leave; move; start; open out; come loose; (of a frozen river) thaw out; open up; reclaim; lift (a ban, restriction, etc); put an end to; (of troops, etc) set out; set up; run; hold (a meeting, an exhibition, etc); write out; make a list of; prescribe; begin; pay (wages, fares, etc); boil; fire (an employee); kick out; be fired from one's job; eat up; (of weather) clear up; divide into

quant.: division of standard size printing paper; carat; K; Kelvin

Usar "开" para formar palabras

开电梯 operate a lift

开汽车 drive a car

开垦荒地 reclaim wasteland

开天价 ask for an absurd price

开茶话会 have a tea party

二十四开 (of gold) 24-carat;(of book or paper size) 24 mo

开火车 drive a train

开茶馆 run a teahouse

开舞场 run a commercial dance hall

开机枪 fire a machine-gun

开窗户 open a window

开赌局 hold a gambling party

开创新传统 start a new tradition

开国际开玩笑 make a huge joke

凿山开隧道 tunnel a hill

开创新阶段 open a new phase

开香槟酒庆祝 celebrate sth with champagne

开创新品牌 launch a new brand

开创新时代 usher in a new era

单脚跳着跑开了 hop away on one foot

Usar "开" en frases de ejemplo

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