El carácter "得" tiene 11 trazos. "得" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "得" tiene 3 pronunciaciones, es un carácter polisilábico. Las pronunciaciones de "得" son "dé" "de" "děi" . Ver el orden de trazos de "得">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "得"

v.: get; obtain; gain; contract (a disease); fit; suit; be satisfied/complacent; be finished; be ready; (of a calculation) result in; need; certainly will

adv.: have to; must

adj.: satisfying; comfortable

Usar "得" para formar palabras

得一百分 score 100 points

得腮腺炎 come down with the mumps

得痔疮 have piles

得头奖 get the first prize

得满分 get full marks

谈心得 talk about one's understanding

得急病 contract an acute disease

模仿得惟妙惟肖 mimic perfectly

指甲剪得太苦 trim one's nails too short

讲解得透辟 explain thoroughly

高兴得发抖 quiver with pleasure

肥瘦得中 be of appropriate weight

长短得中 be of moderate length

得50分 score 50 points

吓得直喘 gasp in horror

惊愕得发呆 be paralysed with amazement

荒唐得可笑 absurdly ridiculous

打扮得扎眼 be loudly dressed

吃得香 enjoy the food

恶心得不得了 be overcome by nausea

Usar "得" en frases de ejemplo

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