El carácter "成" tiene 6 trazos. "成" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "成" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "成" son "chéng" . Ver el orden de trazos de "成">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "成"

v.: succeed; accomplish; complete; finish; help to achieve/succeed/complete; grow; develop; become; turn/change into; amount to (a considerable number/amount); be acceptable; be all right; be OK; be capable/able

adj.: established; set; fixed; ready-made; fully grown/developed; mature

n.: achievement; result; success; accomplishment; fruition; one-tenth; 10%

Usar "成" para formar palabras

成比例 in proportion (to sth)

成衣匠 tailor; dressmaker

成矿物质 metallogenic material

成扇形辐射 radiate fanwise

堕落成罪犯 degenerate into a criminal

成梯队飞行 fly in echelon (formation)

乔扮成仆人 disguise oneself as a servant

分裂成几个帮派 break into several factions;break into several factions

打扮成爱国人士 package oneself as a patriot

卒底于成 finally achieve one's ends

把人民币折算成美元 convert Renminbi into US dollars

把公里折算成英里 convert kilometres into miles

把牛奶加工成黄油 make milk into butter

将羊毛梳理成毛线 card wool into thread

把原稿改写成广播稿 rewrite the script for radio

把某人培训成教师 train sb into a teacher

将磅换算成公斤 convert pounds into kilograms

打扮成知识分子模样 garb oneself as an intellectual

把韵文改写成散文 transpose the verse into prose

把干草耙成一堆 rake the hay up

Usar "成" en frases de ejemplo

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