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El carácter "技" tiene 7 trazos. "技" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "技" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "技" son "jì" . Ver el orden de trazos de "技">>
El significado básico del carácter chino "技"
n.: ability; skill; trick
- ability : n.能力;才能;智力水平;才干;技能
- skill : n.技巧;技艺;技能
- trick : n.诡计;花招;骗局;一圈;一墩;嫖客;舵手的一班;技巧;把戏
Usar "技" para formar palabras
Usar "技" en frases de ejemplo
寝技包括固技 、 绞技和关节技.
Groundwork is organized into holds, strangulations and joint locks.
He will be immune to all Cries and Conjunctions during this phase.
I'm a little rusty at golfing.
换句话说,他们需要语言技 能来数数。
In other words, they needed their language skills to count.
Limit Breaks always kill enemies.
技先导, 人才先行, 品质至上,服务至善.
Leading technology, excellent talents, super quality and best service.
速度越高, 角色将有更大的机会使用极限技.
The higher the Speed stat, the better your chances of using a Limit Break.
Ruthlessness : Deadly Throw will no longer trigger this talent. Only melee finishers will now trigger it.
认真负责, 具有团队合作精神, 以及良好的沟通技.
Proactive attitude , sense of responsibility, team player, and good communication skills.
I am a technical secondary school student. I come from AnHui machine and electricity college. My major is electronic technology and applying. …