El carácter "按" tiene 9 trazos. "按" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "按" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "按" son "àn" . Ver el orden de trazos de "按">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "按"

v.: press; push down; put aside; leave aside; shelve; restrain; refrain; control; check; refer to; (of an editor or author) make comments; add notes; keep one's hand on; keep a tight grip on; obey; comply with; abide by

prep.: according to; in accordance with; in the light of; on the basis of

Usar "按" para formar palabras

按开关 depress a switch

笔者按 author's note

按愚见 in my humble opinion

按图钉 press the thumbtack (into sth)

按阀门 depress a valve

按电铃 ring an electric bell

按警铃 ring the alarm bell

按面积 by area

按百分比计算 express in percentage terms

按货单发货 dispatch by shipping list

按常规思考 think in a groove

按科目编排 arrange by subjects

按重量分级 grade by weight

按尺寸加工 finish to size

按药方配药 fill (up) a prescription

按印刷品邮寄 mail by printed matter

按下列顺序 in the following order

按大小排列 place according to size

按蚊感染 anopheles infection

按指示办事 follow the instructions

Usar "按" en frases de ejemplo

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