El carácter "挑" tiene 9 trazos. "挑" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "挑" tiene 2 pronunciaciones, es un carácter polisilábico. Las pronunciaciones de "挑" son "tiāo" "tiǎo" . Ver el orden de trazos de "挑">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "挑"

v.: carry things on either end of a shoulder pole; shoulder; choose; select; pick; nitpick (at); be captious; be fastidious; be hypercritical; be particular; be fussy; be choosy/choosey; be picky; poke; bring into the open; make public; provoke; incite; stir up; instigate; raise; hold sth up with a pole/stick; lift up/raise with a pole/stick; cross-stitch

n.: shoulder pole with its load; rising stroke (in Chinese characters)

quant.: load carried on a shoulder pole

Usar "挑" para formar palabras

挑眉毛 raise one's brows

头挑水果 choicest fruit

挑两筐土 carry two baskets of earth

挑大个儿的 choose bigger ones

挑大个儿的吃 choose big ones to eat

Usar "挑" en frases de ejemplo

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