El carácter "搞" tiene 13 trazos. "搞" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "搞" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "搞" son "gǎo" . Ver el orden de trazos de "搞">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "搞"

v.: do; work; be engaged in; carry on; make; produce; work out; set up; organize; start; run; operate; get; find; fetch; prepare; secure; make (sb) suffer; fix (sb)

Usar "搞" para formar palabras

搞改革 carry on reforms

搞发明 work on one's inventions

搞培训班 start a training course

搞游击 launch guerrilla attacks

搞副业 engage in sideline production;run sideline businesses

搞科研 do (scientific) research;engage in scientific research

搞小圈子 form a small clique

搞卫生 sanitize; have a thorough cleaning

搞现代化 strive for modernization

搞外水 make extra money

搞动乱 incite disturbance; stir up unrest

搞基本建设 engage in capital construction

埋头搞发明 be bent on one's invention

搞一家公司 establish a company

适宜搞教学工作 be suitable for teaching

把研究搞下去 carry on the research

Usar "搞" en frases de ejemplo

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