El carácter "点" tiene 9 trazos. "点" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "点" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "点" son "diǎn" . Ver el orden de trazos de "点">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "点"

n.: spot; dot; speck; dot stroke (‘、' in Chinese characters); drop (of liquid); iron device sounded to tell time in ancient times; rhythm; beat; appointed-time; scheduled time; point; certain point/limit; aspect; quality; decimal point; (of stocks) point; refreshments; snack; cake

v.: dot; mark; decorate; embellish; adorn; deck; select; choose (from among a number of people or things); request; check one by one; skim; touch on very briefly; nod; point; hint; point out; light; burn; kindle; drip; sow in holes; dibble; eat a snack to stay one's hunger

quant.: 1/25 of a night; o'clock; hour; a little; a bit; some

Usar "点" para formar palabras

鞍马点 saddle point

标定点 aiming

瞄准点 aiming point; aim dot

天平动点 libration point

冷脆点 cold-brittle point

密切点 point of osculation

点菜单 à la carte menu

入口点 entry/access point

支承点 bearing point

马鞍点 saddle point

爆发点 flashpoint

配置点 allocation point

点钞票 count banknotes

点刻纹 stippling design

点画法 pointillism; stippling

移民点 settlement

谷值点 valley point

振荡点 oscillation point

标度点 scale point

点灯笼 light a lantern

Usar "点" en frases de ejemplo

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