Entrada manuscrita
El carácter "盏" tiene 10 trazos. "盏" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "盏" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "盏" son "zhǎn" . Ver el orden de trazos de "盏">>
El significado básico del carácter chino "盏"
n.: small cup; cup-shaped utensil
Usar "盏" para formar palabras
Usar "盏" en frases de ejemplo
Push a cup doing it being grinning all the time between, by you.
As those gold candles fix'd in heaven's air
正如老巫婆所说, 厅堂中有三百多盏点亮着的灯火.
As the old witch said, more than three hundred lamps were burning.
Get a night light.
Mr. Zhang: Really? Can you tell me on how many of the items were damaged? Let me have the model numbers and the units that were damaged.
Beside the door swung an ornate oil lamp on a heavy chain, with a globe of leaded red glass.
Wishing to hearten a timid lamp great night lights all her stars.
After nightfall, these light poles add some poetry to the village like candles lit in the quiet mountains.
解决这一问题就是采取一种分散的方法。 它通过弄清每一个十字路口会对整条路面系统造成何种影响而让多盏信号灯协调工作。
The solution is a decentralized approach that lets the traffic lights work together by figuring out how changes at each individual intersection would affect the entire system.
适合宝宝淋浴或浸浴时使用. 性质温和的沐浴露能在清洁的同时,芦荟、盏草属及杏树的精华可保持皮肤滋润.甘菊亦有舒缓及保护的作用.
Marigold and Apricot . Soothing Chamomile makes it ideal to calm and protect.