El carácter "着" tiene 11 trazos. "着" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "着" tiene 4 pronunciaciones, es un carácter polisilábico. Las pronunciaciones de "着" son "zhe" "zhuó" "zháo" "zhāo" . Ver el orden de trazos de "着">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "着"

v.: put in; add; okey; OK; attach; touch; come in contact with; be affected (by sth); be troubled with; suffer; be ignited; be lit; burn; fall asleep; hit the mark; succeed in doing sth; contact; come into contact with; apply; use; wear (clothes); be dressed in; send; assign; dispatch; order

n.: move in chess; trick; device; move; whereabouts

Usar "着" para formar palabras

着红装 be in red

着古装 wear ancient costume

闲待着 remain idle

耷拉着眼皮 with drooping eyelids

喷放着火花 sending out sparks

笔挺地站着 stand upright

趄着身子 (of a person) lean sideways

在游荡着 on the loaf

单膝着地 get down on one knee

提溜着心 have one's heart in one's mouth—be extremely anxious/worried

趄着头 tilt one's head

焕发着激情 aglow with a fervour

赤裸着双腿 be barelegged; with uncovered legs

根连着根 roots joining roots

着即施行 must be enforced immediately

摸着发涩 not feel smooth

一字站着 stand in a row

躺着睡 sleep on one's back

跛着走 walk lame; limp along

抠搜着过日子 live a frugal life

Usar "着" en frases de ejemplo

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