
El carácter "穿" tiene 9 trazos. "穿" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "穿" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "穿" son "chuān" . Ver el orden de trazos de "穿">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "穿"

v.: penetrate; pierce through; pass/go through; cross; thread; string; wear; put on; be dressed in

n.: clothing; things to wear

adv.: through

Usar "穿" para formar palabras

穿耳孔 have one's ears pierced

穿破衣服 wear out one's clothes

穿重孝 be in deep mourning

穿便服 be in civilian dress

穿糖葫芦 string candied haws

穿裘皮 wear furs

穿新装 wear new clothes

穿一身黑衣服 be dressed in black

要求穿礼服 require formal dress

斜穿公路 angle across the road

掘穿围墙 dig through a wall

里外穿反 wear sth inside out

穿一挂珠子 thread beads on a string

穿睡衣睡觉 sleep in pyjamas

穿便服的军官 officer in mufti

穿得很风光 be dressed in style

吃穿很差 be badly fed and clothed

穿一身白色衣服 be dressed all in white

穿一条珍珠项链 string pearls into a necklace

穿高跟儿鞋 wear (high) heels

Usar "穿" en frases de ejemplo

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