Entrada manuscrita
El carácter "窃" tiene 9 trazos. "窃" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "窃" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "窃" son "qiè" . Ver el orden de trazos de "窃">>
El significado básico del carácter chino "窃"
v.: steal; pilfer; pinch; usurp; grab; unjustly occupy; plagiarize; lift
n.: thief; burglar; pilferer; larcener; larcenist
adv.: personally; secretly; surreptitiously; stealthily; furtively
- steal : v.偷盗;窃取;偷偷地向…移动;秘密地向…移动;剽窃;偷吻;意外赢得;巧占先机;偷垒;偷偷地看
- pilfer : v.小偷小摸;少量地偷
- pinch : v.捏;拧;掐;夹;节约;节省;逮捕;拘留;拘捕;使…紧抢风
- usurp : v.篡夺;取代;非法取代;侵害;侵犯
- grab : v.攫取;抓取;吸引…的注意力;使留下印象;霸占;抓;夺;获取;猛烈地(或急速地)制动
- plagiarize : v.剽窃;抄袭
- lift : v.抬起;举起;拿起来放到…;振奋精神;鼓励;鼓舞;解除;偷;顺手牵羊;空运
- thief : n.贼;小偷;偷窃犯
- burglar : n.窃贼;破门盗窃者
- pilferer : n.小偷
- larcener : n.[法]盗窃犯
- larcenist : n.[法]盗窃犯; 盗贼
- personally : adv.亲自;本人直接地;从个人立场;从个人本性;主观地;直接;当面;就个人而言;作为个人;就本人而言
- secretly : adv.秘密地;背地里
- surreptitiously : adv.秘密地;暗中地;偷偷摸摸地;偷偷地;不正当地
- stealthily : adv.暗地里;悄悄地
- furtively : adv.偷偷地;暗中地
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Usar "窃" en frases de ejemplo
Creative addition to the continuation of "stealing 1" squad, the Mainland …
One hand went up as the snickering diminished.
But the painting has an alarm. A thief cannot usually steal the painting.
Jacob is a double-dyed scoundrel who would rob his own mother!
There was an indrawn breath of horror from the audience and then the anxious and titter.
Memory will always linger in the dim outline, as in the past I dream that quiet side, then for many years has been to see the shore, but coming at you to wash after stealing all the pieces.