El carácter "要" tiene 9 trazos. "要" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "要" tiene 2 pronunciaciones, es un carácter polisilábico. Las pronunciaciones de "要" son "yào" "yāo" . Ver el orden de trazos de "要">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "要"

v.: demand; ask; force; coerce; want; wish; would like; feel like doing sth; desire; want to keep; ask for; ask sb to do sth; request; need; take; must; should; have to; be about/going to; might; have a strong wish to do sth; be determined to do sth

n.: essential points; main points

adj.: important; essential

conj.: if; suppose; in case; or; either...or...

Usar "要" para formar palabras

要径法 critical path method

要收据 ask for a receipt

要离婚 want a divorce

注定要灭亡 be destined to destruction

反腐要动真格的 fight corruption in real earnest

磨着某人要某物 worry sb for sth

扬言要进行报复 threaten to retaliate

首先要讲质量 put quality above everything else

一切缴获要归公 turn in everything captured

要吗有吗 have whatever one wants

扬言要杀死某人 utter threats against sb's life

要好的朋友 close friend

血债要用血来还 debts of blood must be paid in blood; blood will have blood; blood demands blood; blood for blood

谆谆教诲要尊敬长者 inculcate respect for elders

阎王要你三更走,谁能留你到五更 if the King of Hell decides you're to die at midnight, who dares to spare you till dawn?—when death comes, it will have no denial

Usar "要" en frases de ejemplo

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