El carácter "讲" tiene 6 trazos. "讲" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "讲" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "讲" son "jiǎng" . Ver el orden de trazos de "讲">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "讲"

v.: say; tell; relate; talk (about); speak (of); as far as sth is concerned; when it comes to; as to; as regards; discuss; negotiate; explain; interpret; clarify; make clear; stress; pay attention to; be particular about

Usar "讲" para formar palabras

讲段子 tell an off-colour joke

讲笑话 tell a joke

讲国语 speak the national language

讲英文 speak English

讲信义 act in good faith

讲假话 tell lies; utter falsehoods

讲几句话 say a few words

讲条件 negotiate the terms

从某种意义上讲 in a sense

讲寓言故事 tell a fable

专拣好话讲 mouth only fine words

讲三堂语文课 give three Chinese lessons

练习讲英语 practise speaking English

讲一口陕西话 speak Shaanxi dialect

首先要讲质量 put quality above everything else

声音再稍微大一些讲 speak a little bit louder

Usar "讲" en frases de ejemplo

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