El carácter "词" tiene 7 trazos. "词" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "词" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "词" son "cí" . Ver el orden de trazos de "词">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "词"

n.: word; term; ci; speech; statement; expression; words of songs, ballads or operas

Usar "词" para formar palabras

时髦词 vogue/cult word; buzzword

判断词 defining word [i.e.是, used as a link word to form a compound predicate with a noun, a pronoun, or an adjective, eg他是对的。(He is right.)]

先行词 antecedent

答辩词 written/oral defence

引导词 antecedent

缩写词 abbreviation

词根词 root word

误用一个词 misuse a word

同源词 cognate words

谢幕词 curtain call speech; closing remarks

下位词 hyponym

时间词 temporal word

对应词 equivalent

形似词 paronym

公诉词 indictment

功能词 function word

词的用法 usage of a word

词的原义 original meaning of a word

词的新义 new sense of a word

规范词的用法 standardize the usage of words

Usar "词" en frases de ejemplo

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