El carácter "受" tiene 8 trazos. "受" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "受" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "受" son "shòu" . Ver el orden de trazos de "受">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "受"

v.: receive; accept; suffer; sustain; be subjected to; stand; bear; endure; suit; be pleasant to

Usar "受" para formar palabras

受盘诘 be under cross-examination

受感染 get infected; be infected (by)

受疼痛 endure the pain

受窝囊气 be subjected to petty annoyances

受怠慢 be in the cold

受教育 receive education

受攻击 come under attack

受领地 place of acceptance

受揶揄 be in derision

受工伤 be injured at work

受刑法 suffer corporal punishment; undergo torture

讨气受 ask for offence

受打击 suffer a blow

受嘲笑 provoke derision

受苦刑 suffer from cruel torture

受影响 be subject to influences

受熏陶 be nurtured (by)

受公伤 suffer job-related injury

受精囊 spermatheca; seminal receptacle

受迫害者 victim of persecution

Usar "受" en frases de ejemplo

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