El carácter "就" tiene 12 trazos. "就" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "就" tiene 1 pronunciaciones, . Las pronunciaciones de "就" son "jiù" . Ver el orden de trazos de "就">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "就"

v.: come near; approach; move towards; arrive; reach; engage in; enter upon; undertake; comply with; yield to; accomplish; get ready; be eaten with; go with

prep.: by; with regard to; concerning; as far as; in the light of

adv.: at once; right away; in a moment; as early as; already; if that is the case, then; as many/much as; only; merely; just; exactly; precisely

conj.: as soon as; forthwith; right/immediately after; even if

Usar "就" para formar palabras

就餐券 luncheon voucher; meal ticket

动不动就发火 flare up easily

一动就生气 take offence easily

就中调停 mediate a dispute

动不动就脸红 blush readily

下笔立就 dash sth off without hesitation

动不动就发脾气 flare up easily

就在那一刻 at that moment

拉开嗓门就唱 start singing right away

就某个题目约稿 commission articles about a subject

一戳就破 break at the slightest touch

就一个问题进行宣讲 preach on a subject

在远处就可以看得见 be visible in the distance

不怕一万,就怕万一 be prepared for the one risk in a million; one should not be taken unawares by the worst; be prepared for all eventualities

吵着吵着就打了起来 proceed from words to blows

Usar "就" en frases de ejemplo

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