El carácter "里" tiene 7 trazos. "里" es uno de los 3500 caracteres comunes. El carácter "里" tiene 2 pronunciaciones, es un carácter polisilábico. Las pronunciaciones de "里" son "lǐ" "li" . Ver el orden de trazos de "里">>

El significado básico del carácter chino "里"

n.: neighbourhood; li; native place; inside (of a garment); lining; inner; inside (as opposed to outside)

quant.: li

Usar "里" para formar palabras

百把里 about fifty kilometres

房间里 in a room

最近五年里 over the last five years

住在校园里 live on campus

夹在人群里 mingle with the crowd

在假日里 during the holidays

钻到地窖里 get down into a cellar

扎到人群里 penetrate into the crowd

记在笔记本里 write down in one's notebook

扎进书堆里 bury oneself in books

藏在衣袖里 conceal in one's sleeves

陷进淤泥里 settle in the mud

泡在盐水里 keep in brine

扎进水里 dive into the water

眼里里噙着泪水 tears are in one's eyes

蜷缩在巢穴里 crouch in a den

一头扎进水里 plunge headlong into the water

鸡窝里飞出金凤凰 a phoenix soars out of a chicken coop―a person of humble origin rises to prominence; a miracle occurs where no miracle seems possible

住在一条巷子里 live in an alley

眼睛里闪烁着泪花 eyes glistening with tears

Usar "里" en frases de ejemplo

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